Do you find yourself drifting away from God? Have you realised that you are drifting? It’s easy for mature Christians to become drowsy: distracted and focussing on other things – we don’t realise the danger until it’s too late!
In this series we’ll look at the danger the Bible is trying to warn us of, and seek practical tips to remain alert. In our comfortable surroundings, Christian snooziness is an ever-present danger. Drifting away from God is not to be taken lightly – our very salvation is at stake!
Preacher and date
Ian Bayne, 2020-2021
Synoptic series with a focus on: 1 Thesselonians 5:1-11, particularly verse 6.
In synoptic series, Pastor Ian explores a theme in a passage, looking across the whole Bible to understand God’s message. This contrasts to an expository series, which covers many messages in a single passage or book. Both are useful.
Series summary
In this series, we’ll take a synoptic look at the following verse, meditating on why we might be sleepy, what this means, and how to avoid it:
So then let us not sleep, as others do, but let us keep awake and be sober.
1 Thessalonians 5:6 ESV
We will look at the reasons we might snooze:
- Doubt the promise of God’s return
- Denial of the certainty of death
- Comfortable and secure environment
- Times of feasting and frivolity
And then turn to scripture to see the following antidotes:
- Hear the gospel
- Gossip the gospel
- Keep the cross constantly before your eyes
- Keep a watch out for the enemy
- Strive to be filled daily with the Holy Spirit (Phi 2:12)
- Seek to live every day with a heavenly perspective