For our annual church camp, Pastor Steven Williams takes us through what God has to say about marriage and family. As this is a camp, Steve takes us through and beyond the familiar verses (e.g. Eph 5:25-27, Titus 2:3-5, 1 Cor 13:4-7) to explore deeper into our main social relationship.
In this very practical series, Pastor Steve looks at how marriage and the concept of family started, both in the Bible and culturally, showing that our modern ideas are only a few generations old.
Going back to the biblical foundation Steve is able to provide practical tips for building a successful marriage and how to resolve conflicts, answering questions such as:
- What did marriage look like in historical times?
- What is the point of marriage?
- What does a good family look like?
- How many children should I have?
- Should I delay having children to give them a better life?
- How can I deal with conflict in marriage, and with other people in the world?
If you share any of these questions, please check out Steve’s slides below. Audio recordings will be made available in the next couple of weeks.
Preacher and date
Preacher: Steven Williams, February 2021.
Session presentations
Session 1 video recording
View the session 1 recording on Facebook
Questions? Please contact us. Inspired? Come and worship with us on Sundays.