
2 Samuel 4: Justice for All

Read 2 Samuel 4

David’s kingdom was one where justice flowed for all. The guilty met justice, those whose blood was spilt unjustly received justice. In 2 Samuel 4, a little act of justice on David’s part points forward to the greater justice of David’s far-off son, Jesus. Jesus’ reign is one where justice will ultimately prevail, even though we may face injustice now. The guilty and unrepentant will face justice at the Last Day. The guilty and repentant receive mercy today, because Jesus bore God’s justice for us on the Cross.

The death of Abner would have sent shockwaves through the northern elite surrounding Ish-bosheth, the soon-to-be ex-king of Israel. While David’s actions in the previous chapter showed his clear upset at Abner’s death and Joab’s part in it, these actions would have taken time to work their way northwards. The news of Abner’s death, however, would have shot northwards like a bullet.

Not surprisingly, “when Ish-bosheth, Saul’s son, heard that Abner had died at Hebron, his courage failed, and all Israel was dismayed” (v.1). Whose head was next for the chopping block in David’s regime change?

Two of Saul’s captains thought this was an opportunity to switch sides and gain favour with the new king in town. They are introduced for the sake of recorded history as Baanah and Rechab (vv.2-3).

These two men moved to secure their future in the north. Ish-bosheth sat shaking. Mephibosheth, Jonathan’s crippled son, was swept up in his nurse’s arms and swept away to safety (v.4). The mighty house of Saul was not something to fear anymore.

Into this situation, two “brave” captains snuck into cowering Ish-bosheth’s room while he was taking a noon siesta, killed him, cut off his head to prove it, and then ran off through the night to King David (vv.5-7). There was no courage displayed here; Saul’s house is a frail, crippled remnant of its might.

On the way, no doubt Baanah and Rechab got their story lined up. Worked out how to spin it for their own advantage. Slather a heavy spread of theological support for their sinful actions to justify it.

And so it proved. They arrived at David’s court and presented the head. “The LORD has avenged my lord the king this day on Saul and on his offspring” they piously claimed (v.8). What were they but God’s instruments?

If they were looking for a promotion, they had come to the wrong place. David’s response ironically cut their theological feet from under them. ”As the LORD lives, who has redeemed my life out of every adversity…” (v.9). David had God as his protector and redeemer, he did not need self-appointees.

In fact, David already had precedent to rely on for men like Baanah and Rechab. In chapter 1, he killed a man who claimed to have killed King Saul (vv.9-10). “How much more, when wicked men have killed a righteous man in his own house on his bed, shall I not now require his blood at your hand and destroy you from the earth?” (v.11)

The judgement was rendered. Baanah and Rechab were killed and dismembered, and their bodies hung on a tree as a curse (Deut. 21:22-3). Ish-bosheth’s head was given a proper burial, next to Abner at Hebron (v.12). Justice for all involved in this sorry affair.

Ish-bosheth should never have faced such a fate, especially not at the hands of men looking to improve their circumstances. While Ish-bosheth could not enjoy it in this life, David rendered justice for the injustice he faced.

Injustice also occurs in our day. Christ’s church faces oppression and injustice the world over. We might face prejudice for our beliefs. Some face death for the sake of Christ in various lands. One day, King Jesus will render justice for these injustices.

Worse still, even in the Church injustice occurs today. We sin against each other, and clothe it in righteous piety. Refusing discipline because Christ forgives (so I can keep on sinning then?). Using position and power to hurt and abuse Christ’s sheep, and then claiming it as God’s Will. Like David, Christ’s undershepherds (the elders) must pursue justice. Whether it is delivered or not, Christ will render justice. The guilty and unrepentant will receive justice at the Last Day.

Yet what of the guilty and repentant? What does this passage offer for you? Firstly, hope, because you will be vindicated before those who act with injustice now.

Secondly, King Jesus did not leave us to face God’s righteous justice alone. Instead, he offered himself up as a sacrifice on the Cross, as we particularly celebrate every Easter. Jesus took the pain of God’s justice on himself, that we may be declared just before God and receive mercy.

If we trust in Jesus, all our injustices are placed on Christ, who bore our curse as he hung on the tree. The unjust made just by Christ’s sacrifice, so the demand of justice would be met.

In David’s kingdom, Ish-bosheth’s death received justice. In Christ’s kingdom, there is justice for all.

2 Samuel 3:12-39: Blameless King

Read 2 Samuel 3:12-39

Success in a sinful world can often come at a brutal cost. Financial gain through ruining another financially. Promotions and power through destroying or trampling over the reputations of others. This is not the way of God’s Kingdom. Those who lead in God’s Kingdom must serve and display integrity, not ruthless cunning and destruction of others who stand in their way.

Not surprising given the way of the world, David’s inheritance of the Kingdom of Israel was tainted by sinful acts of his servants. Yet the text makes clear that David was blameless in the acts that ultimately brought all Israel under his reign. His blamelessness reminds us of the true and greater king, Jesus, whose rule over the Kingdom of God follows a blameless, sinless life sacrificed for our sins.

After Abner had decided that his best bet for future influence was throwing in his lot with David, he approached David to offer Israel to him. Whether Abner considered himself the real power broker of the north or not, he clearly offered it to David (v.12).

David agreed, but required the return of his first wife Michal (Saul’s daughter) to him (vv.13-15). Saul married Michal off again after forcing David out, but David wanted her back (which did not breach Deut. 24, since David did not abandon her) to hopefully cement the line of Saul and his line together. Ish-bosheth obliged, and Michal was sent back (v.15). Poor Paltiel, her second husband, wept as his wife was taken away from him (v.16).

It seems Abner and Ish-bosheth were all who really stood between David and the kingdom, so when Abner advocated for David with Israel and smoothed over the tribe of Benjamin’s feathers, all seemed to fall into place (vv.17-19). Abner and twenty men negotiated with David, enjoying safe passage “in peace” to enter and leave Judah (vv.20-1).

Unfortunately Joab, who was away raiding, returned to find things had moved on while he was away. He failed to convince David that Abner’s acts were all a ruse (vv.22-5).

What followed was appalling ruthlessness and destruction. Despite knowing that Abner enjoyed safe passage, Joab called Abner to a meeting without informing David (v.26). Unsuspecting Abner, assuming further negotiations, then fell victim to Joab in vengeance for the death of Asahel (v.27, cf. 2:18-23). A vengeance that should not have occurred, as Asahel fell in war not a private feud.

David was ropeable. After all, he had promised safe conduct, and it had been used for treachery. David declared himself blameless in the whole incident (v.28), as the text itself has repeatedly made clear. Then he announced a curse on Joab and his father’s house (v.29), made Joab and the army publicly mourn Abner’s death (v.31), while he himself followed the casket, publicly weeping at Abner’s graveside (vv.31-2).

David was clearly blameless in the whole sordid affair. It was important that everyone knew.

To be even clearer, David composed a lament for Abner’s death (vv.33-4), and fasted as a sign of mourning and respect (v.35). His public acts were noted, and pleased the people of Israel (v.36). It clearly demonstrated that David was blameless, and not involved in this sinful act (v.37).

Joab had been brutal, David was gentle, even though as king he could have had Abner’s head for opposing David’s kingdom (vv.38-9). Of course, David could also have had Joab’s head too, but a curse would have to do in the meantime. Joab was too important to die right then. That day would come in God’s time.

The whole kingdom was coming to David, yet not without the wicked deeds of sinful men carrying along with it. Neither Abner nor Joab were blameless men, each sinfully acting in ways which could have affected the kingdom. Nor was Saul blameless, for he had married Michal off to another man, so Paltiel suffered hurt and loss because of dynastic struggles.

Yet in these events, David was blameless. Michal was his wife. Abner had safe conduct. David did not know of Joab’s plans, or condone them. Joab knew what he was doing was wrong. Despite all this, God’s plan still advanced. God’s promise to David was being fulfilled; the king was receiving his kingdom.

However, David was not a sinless man. We have seen this in 1 Samuel. We will see it again later. But another king was entirely blameless for all his days. That king is Jesus.

Jesus too endured the acts of self-centred sinful men. One of his disciples betrayed him. The others seemed more interested in the “top dog” position. The leaders of Israel conspired to have him killed as a rebel, when he had done nothing wrong.

Yet God’s plan still advanced. God’s promises to us were being fulfilled in Jesus. Jesus rose from the dead, and now reigns on high. The king is receiving his kingdom.

The sinful acts of sinful people are no barrier to God blessing his people and ensuring their wellbeing through his blameless king.

2 Samuel 3:1-11: Bowing by Necessity

Read 2 Samuel 3:1-11

Not surprisingly, my children do not like to do their chores. While they (usually) do them, they do so from necessity rather than joy. The same is true for many things in life. Paying taxes. Household tasks. All too often, working (bills won’t pay themselves). Hopefully, none of us attend Church solely out of a sense of obligation, of necessity!

After Saul’s death, Abner attempted to seize power through conquering King David’s kingdom by force. He failed. A period of Civil War followed, where David grew stronger and Abner became weaker. When finally Abner pushed his puppet-king too far, he decided to throw his lot in with David. But he was moved by necessity, not conviction. We should not miss the obvious lesson. People may operate in the Church, or in a broader culture influenced by Christian morality, out of necessity rather than delight.

Following the failure of Abner’s invasion of Judah, a period of civil war followed between King David’s kingdom based in the south of Israel, and Ish-bosheth’s kingdom (really ruled by Abner) in the north of Israel. 

“And David grew stronger and stronger, while the house of Saul became weaker and weaker” (v.1). Not surprisingly, since God was clearly on David’s side in the matter of the next king of Israel.

The strengthening of David’s kingdom is described in verses 2 to 5 through the birth of six sons to David from as many wives. These verses are intended not just to introduce to us historical facts, but point out that God was securing the future of David’s line on the Israelite throne. There were many sons who could succeed David. All of these sons were born to David while he reigned from Hebron.

Abner was busy strengthening his position too. “While there was war between the house of Saul and the house of David, Abner was making himself strong in the house of Saul” (v.7). This implies that Abner was making himself the de facto ruler of Israel, even if the crown sat upon Ish-bosheth’s head.

The extent to which Abner was really in control up north is shown by an example of his actions. “Saul had a concubine whose name was Rizpah, the daughter of Aiah” and Abner claimed her as his own (v.7). Essentially, in that part of the world in those days, this was claiming to succeed Saul as ruler over his kingdom.

Ish-bosheth may have been a puppet and weakly reliant on Abner for his status, but he was no idiot. He knew what Abner was claiming when Abner claimed one of Saul’s concubines for himself. So Ish-bosheth confronted Abner about the situation (v.7).

Abner was frustrated by Ish-bosheth standing up to him. He claimed to Ish-bosheth that he had shown “steadfast love to the house of Saul your father, to his brothers, and to his friends” and here was Ish-bosheth making a song and dance about a woman (v.8). Interpreted cynically – I put you on the throne and have kept you there, and you tell me what I can and cannot do?

Since Ish-bosheth was showing dangerous tendencies towards growing a spine, it was better to act on necessity and switch allegiances. “God do so to Abner and more also, if I do not accomplish for David what the Lord has sworn to him, to transfer the kingdom from the house of Saul and set up the throne of David over Israel and over Judah, from Dan to Beersheba” (vv.9-10).

And what could Ish-bosheth do in this situation? Nothing, because he feared Abner (v.11).

Abner was willing to hand the rest of Israel over to David, but not because of a sudden change of heart to serve God and his anointed king. No, Abner was acting in this way because of necessity. Sooner or later, someone would spot a chance to stick up for Ish-bosheth and stick a knife into Abner. Better for Abner to negotiate with David while there was a chance to negotiate a spot on David’s leadership team.

Abner’s motivation in these first chapters of 2 Samuel appears to be what is best for Abner. Not God. Not Israel. Not even Ish-bosheth. Abner’s attitude and approach is mercenary. He is happy to sell his services for the best offer, not the cause of God and his righteousness.

Sadly the Church is not immune to Abner’s among us. While there may not be a little Slim Shady in all of us, we must guard our hearts and ask the Holy Spirit’s help to stop a little Abner creeping into our lives. The Church is not a place for public claims of piety, and private clamours for power and self-glory. The Church is about Jesus, not us.

Likewise, perhaps the Lord will grant repentance and renewal in our land, that people turn once more to Christ and to Christian morality. But we cannot assume that all will follow because they see the rightness of Christian righteousness; instead, they may bow from necessity.

May we all bow and serve out of joy, not necessity.

2 Samuel 2:12-32: The Failure of Force

Read 2 Samuel 2:12-32

When we do not get our way, or when someone or something resists our will, we often resort to force. It is true of individuals, of businesses, and of governments. In the sinful world we live in, sinners resort to force to try and resist the advance of God’s Kingdom here on earth. At times it seems like the forces arrayed against the Church will overpower. But if God is on our side, it is not a fair fight.

Chapter 2 of 2 Samuel shows an example of the failure of force to prevent God’s Plan advancing through David’s kingship. While David’s anointing by God was publicly known, Abner had conspired to place Saul’s remaining son on the throne in opposition to David, who was proclaimed king in the South. Abner’s attack ended in failure and defeat, with Abner’s forces unable to defeat David’s forces. Abner’s defeat reminds us of the stupidity of sin and resisting God’s will. God’s kingdom will advance over all the earth. God is Lord of all our lives.

After David’s anointing as king over Judah, and Ish-bosheth’s installation as king by Abner in the north of Israel, the two who claimed the right to rule Israel would have to settle things. Abner, who had installed Ish-bosheth in the north (possibly as a puppet), decided to use force to resolve the conflict, marching the north’s soldiers south toward David at Hebron (v.12).

Understandably, David’s armies led by Joab moved north from Hebron to Gibeon to meet and block the northern army from its advance (v.13). There, the leaders met at a pool and sat down to talk before battle commenced (v.13).

Abner suggested that champions from each army would fight, just as David and Goliath had fought many years before (v.14). Twelve from each army arose and fought one-on-one, which ended in a twelve deadly draw (vv.15-16).

Since there was no resolution to the fight by the champions, both armies engaged in combat. After a fierce battle, David’s forces prevailed (v.17). Israel, and Abner, were forced to flee northwards.

Along with Joab, two of his brothers were present at the battle (the following becomes important later in 2 Samuel). One, Asahel, seemed to want the glory of overcoming Abner, and chased Abner relentlessly (vv.18-19).

Abner recognised Asahel, and encouraged Asahel to seek out another target to strike down for glory and spoil (vv.20-21). Asahel refused, and kept on coming.

At this point, a tiring Abner warned Asahel that he would be forced to strike him if he kept pursuing (v.22). Something he did not wish to do, it seemed, because he would then have to face Joab again. Ultimately in self-defence, Abner followed through and struck Asahel through with his spear, bringing everyone to a halt and Asahel to a permanent stop (v.23).

Joab and his other brother, Abishai, pursued Abner with a desire for vengeance which grief can often drive (v.24). They pursued Abner until sundown, when surrounded by fellow Benjamin tribesman Abner stood on a hill to make what he thought might be a final stand (v.25).

Suddenly, Abner was keen on the shared brotherhood between Judah and Israel’s other tribes. “Shall the sword devour forever? Do you not know that the end will be bitter? How long will it be before you tell your people to turn from the pursuit of their brothers?” (v.26).

Joab retorted that there would be no devouring swords if Abner had not spoken to cause all of that day’s events (v.27). Even so, Joab called off the attack (v.28), and Abner and his forces retreated all night (v.29).

When the tallies of losses were made, the scale of the failure was clear. David’s forces lost nineteen men, plus Asahel (including the twelve champions lost in combat; v.30). Abner’s force had lost 360 (v.31). 

Joab and the men buried Asahel, and returned to Hebron (v.32). Abner’s attempt at resisting God’s Kingdom by force had failed.

Sin is stupid. It makes you do stupid things. What can possibly be smart about resisting God’s will? Yet that is what we all do when we sin.

Even those of us who have been enlightened to the truth, had heard it proclaimed, and sing praises to the true God still do not always embrace it as we should. We deny the truth by our acts, sinning and fighting God’s will. Abner was stupid to resist God. So are we.

And so are the nations who refuse to submit to their true king, Jesus. They plot and rage in vain. They assault God’s People, through coercion and force, seeking to wipe out the Church and blot out believers. But they will ultimately fail. Just as Abner failed. 

Human force cannot defeat the God who created them. They can resist. They can gather their armies to fight against God, but it is an unfair fight. Jesus will win simply by turning up (Rev. 19:11-21).

God is Lord of all. Let us worship the unconquerable king!

2 Samuel 2:1-11: Small Beginnings

Read 2 Samuel 2:1-11

Our society likes big things and big bangs. One hundred day plans. Transformational change. Slow and steady might win the race in the past, but today bigger is better. Incremental growth and change is insufficient for the supposed fast pace of the world we live in. We look down on small beginnings.

Yet David’s ascent to kingship was a small beginning. While we expect that his anointing by Samuel as Saul’s successor would lead to his almost effortless slide into the top role, David had to take the first small steps towards becoming king over Israel. In the meantime, David also experienced opposition from the world to his rightful reign. For David, even his kingdom had to start from somewhere. For the Church, for individual believers too, the same principle applies. We should not despise small beginnings.

After an appropriate period of mourning for the late King Saul and his son, Jonathan, life had to move forward. God’s People were without an officially installed leader, which as the Book of Judges reminds us is not a good thing. Samuel had privately already anointed David as king (1 Sam 16), but it was time for things to become public.

Now that Saul was dead, David and his men could move freely in Israel without fear of attack. So David inquired of God about whether to leave Ziklag for Judah (v.1). God directed David to go to Hebron, which was the most prominent of Judah’s towns.

Obedient to God, David cut ties with Philistine Ziklag and moved to Hebron, together with his wives and his men (and their own families, vv.2-3).

When he arrived there, the tribe of Judah gathered to publicly anoint David as their king (v.4). Which was a small beginning. Judah was only one tribe of Israel. David’s long-expected kingship was finally inaugurated, but had not reached the full extent that Samuel’s ordination and God’s anointing promised.

However, while this was only a small beginning, the first deposit on the full transfer of the kingdom to David’s hands, it was clearly at God’s leading. It was God who had set David apart. It was God who had protected David all those years from Saul’s hands. It was God who had led David to Hebron, that he could be anointed king.

The next step is to build on the small beginnings. David was told of the deeds of Jabesh-gilead, who marched through the night to rescue Saul’s body from the Philistines and give it a respectful burial (v.4, cf. 1 Sam. 31). 

David contacted them, asking a blessing on them for their act of bravery and respect of Saul (v.5). Then David suggested they take another risk – by acknowledging him as their king (vv.6-7). Effectively, David is suggesting that since they are godly folks who respect the Lord’s anointed, they ought to recognise the Lord’s anointed successor to Saul, now enthroned in Hebron.

We do not know the response they gave. But we do know that if they had agreed, they were taking a risk. Because to the north, General Abner was plotting a coup against God. He took Saul’s remaining son, Ish-bosheth, and installed him as king over Israel (vv.8-11).

While some could forgive Abner for placing Ish-bosheth in the hot seat; after all, from a worldly perspective he was the heir apparent after Saul and Jonathan died, in reality this was an attack against God’s plan. Everyone knew that David was God’s anointed successor to Saul. Even Saul had publicly admitted it himself (and Abner would have heard it).

Abner was refusing the kingship of God’s anointed one. He was refusing the Great Kingship of God. He was placing himself in rebellion against God. The inevitable civil war (and what is really civil about war?) was a consequence of Abner seeking to have it his own way.

This theme of rejection and unbelief carries its way through history. The Jewish leadership and the masses rejected King Jesus before Pilate, declaring they had no king but Caesar. Others in the world today still rage in vain against the Lord’s anointed (Ps. 2), seeking anyone but Jesus as their master.

The Church exists in that tension. Like David, God’s Kingdom is inaugurated, but has not yet reached its greatest extent as it soon will. We, like Judah, are the seed of the Kingdom which will one day grow into a great mountain and crush the worldly kingdoms to dust.

Our call as Christians is not to despise the small beginnings. The often lowly place of the Church, especially in our days here in New Zealand and elsewhere. The slow march of holiness as the Holy Spirit works in our lives, making us bit by bit more like Christ and less like the world.

Instead, we are to witness and call others to repent of their rebellion and join God’s Kingdom. Jesus is calling the worldly citizens of our Jabesh-gileads to acknowledge his kingship through our words. Though it begins small, God’s Kingdom will eventually reign over all. We should not despise small beginnings.

2 Samuel 1:17-27: Expressing Grief

Read 2 Samuel 1:17-27

Two of my grandparents died when I was around 10. A few years ago now, when my oldest son was a baby, we took him to Christchurch to meet family on our side living down there. We visited the graves of my grandparents, and grief returned 20 years later. Grief never really goes away. The emotional pain subsides, but we always grieve those we have lost, in memory, in events and anniversaries, and when we speak or write of our loss.

David knew grief well, and knew that it sometimes needs expressing. While he and his men had emotionally grieved the death of Saul, Jonathan, and so many of Israel’s army, that was not enough. David composed a lament, or written expression of grief. His lament reminds us that grieving in this sinful world is normal. Grieving is an ongoing process, and one we should acknowledge as part of life. Because grieving will only truly cease when we are at God’s side.

After David received word of Saul and Jonathan’s death, he took time to produce a reflection on his and Israel’s loss. He grieved with this lament, and instructed that others should learn it to grieve too (vv.17-18). 

While David himself mourned the loss of a dear friend, Israel too had suffered loss. Their king was dead, and with him shame had come upon Israel. “Israel’s glory” was tarnished, “How the mighty have fallen!” (v.19).

The defeat was not just a military or national one, but a religious defeat too. David does not want the pagan victors in Gath and Philistia gloating, because they would wrongly assign the victory to their fake god Dagon (v.20). The place of disgrace, Gilboa, should be a barren place to reflect and remind Israel of how the soldiers’ shields did not protect them when they needed it (v.21).

This expression had a purpose. It gave Israel’s soldiers something to galvanise themselves over when they went to put matters right.

David’s lament then turned to showing thanks for Jonathan and Saul’s life. David speaks of how both were mighty soldiers who struck down their enemies (v.22). He speaks of how they were loyal to each other, father and son (especially Jonathan), right to the end (v.23).

David did not gloat at the death of Saul, who opposed him so much. He reflected on the good of Saul, as a person and for Israel. Israel’s daughters (probably especially the wealthy ones) should mourn Saul’s death, because he lavished them with wealth and prosperity (v.24). Wealth which came from his unity and rule over Israel, compared to the oppression felt in the time of the Judges beforehand.

Finally, David turned to his personal grief and loss of his dear friend Jonathan. The women would weep for Saul, David would weep for Jonathan. Saul may have endeared himself to the women by giving them expensive “scarlet” clothing and “ornaments of gold” (v.24). But David was “distressed for [his] brother, Jonathan” (v.25). Jonathan had endeared himself to David with a love that “surpass[ed] the love of women” (v.26).

Some people read this like it is from an erotic novel. What nonsense. Jonathan had openly declared loyalty to David as the next king, a role everyone assumed was Jonathan’s (including Saul)! They had a deep and close friendship, hoping to see each other succeed in the roles God had called each of them to. Their commitment towards each other was covenantal in nature. This was not about erotic desire, it was about faithfulness and self-sacrifice.

With that note, David brought his lament to an end. “How the mighty have fallen, and the weapons of war perished!” (v.27). A terrible loss for both Israel and David.

While this passage is not a “how to” for grief, it does remind us that there is and can be more to going through grief than just the emotional distress we feel. Working through that grief together, perhaps in written or spoken form, and in prayer to God is a right and proper way to acknowledge loss.

Likewise, the writing of this lament as something to teach others reminds us that grief is an ongoing process that we can experience for many years. We must be compassionate and understanding to people who grieve the loss of a loved one long after the world might say it is time to “move on.”

Likewise, recognising loss should be part of the Church’s witness. The world is not as it should be. Suffering and death are not natural, but the result of sin. When we only focus on the positive in our fellowship, teaching, and worship, and avoid the negative, we do everyone a disservice. Including ourselves.

We still live in a day where we weep as we sow the seeds of the kingdom (Ps. 126). One day, when Christ returns and puts a final end to grief, we will return with songs of joy. Until that day comes, our grief reminds us that weeping endures for the night, but joy comes with the morning.

2 Samuel 1:1-16: Mourning, Fear, and Judgement

Read 2 Samuel 1:1-16

Grifters abound in the world. Sadly, we can find them in churches too. They look for opportunities to make gain for themselves out of situations, whether good or bad. Their outward acts may initially tick all the boxes, but their actions ultimately show they are interested in personal gain, not the cause of Christ.

The first scene of 2 Samuel introduces us to David’s learning of King Saul’s death through the arrival of a grifter, bearing Saul’s kingly baubles. We quickly discover that the man is less concerned with the situation than with his own advancement, and meets judgement for it. On the other hand, David’s response shows the attitude we ought to show in Christ’s church: mourning for times when Christ’s cause is harmed, and godly fear of King Jesus who has saved us and leads us.

2 Samuel begins with the assumed knowledge of 1 Samuel, and especially the death of King Saul and Jonathan in a climactic battle against the Philistines. This opening passage relays the way in which David learned of the death of Saul, the death of his dear friend, and the great loss which God’s People had suffered at the hands of their unbelieving foes.

Two days after returning to Ziklag, a man came to David’s camp with his clothes torn and dirt on his head, a traditional sign of mourning (vv.1-2). This man came and bowed before David, showing him all the appropriate signs of respect.

David asked three questions. First, where have you come from? Answer, the Israelite camp (v.3). Second, how did it go? Answer, the Israelite army fled, and King Saul and Jonathan are dead (v.4). Third question, how do you know?

The answer, based on the account found at the end of 1 Samuel, was a lie. The man claimed that he happened to be at the battle site, as one does, and saw that Saul was left by himself while Philistine chariots were racing towards him to take him prisoner (v.6). Saul called to him, asking who he was: “an Amalekite who was living in the land” he claimed (v.7).

Saul then asked, according to the man’s tale, for this man to administer the coup de grace to avoid capture and torture by the Philistines, which the man claims to have obliged (vv.8-9). After that, he took the king’s crown and armlet as evidence he was dead, and brought it to its new rightful owner (v.10).

Your new faithful servant now sits here, awaiting orders from the new king.

David’s response to this news was perhaps unexpected to the Amalekite. Instead of rejoicing that the man who had, for many years, made his life one of misery and mayhem, was finally gone, “David took hold of his clothes and tore them, and so did all the men who were with him” (v.11).

This was not just a nod to ritual. “They mourned and wept and fasted until evening for Saul and for Jonathan his son and for the people of the Lord and for the house of Israel, because they had fallen by the sword” (v.12). David, and his men, understood that God’s People had suffered a terrible defeat, and that even though God was at work in it, God’s name was slandered among the nations as a result.

At some point, David then turned to the Amalekite and asked about his origins. The man responded he was an Amalekite, the son of a sojourner (v.13). Long enough to know the rules of Israel.

David then asked how, given he had lived in the land, he could kill God’s anointed king (v.14). David then called for one of his men to put the Amalekite to death for murder of the king, based on his own testimony (vv.15-16).

Ironically, the Amalekite rightly faced judgement for his sin, but that of lying, not murder as he effectively claimed. But this death reminds us that even hidden sins, like lies (because David had no way of knowing otherwise), are known by God and come under his judgement. We should not think that we have gotten away with it if nobody else sees. God knows and judges the secrets of the hearts of men.

Secondly, we should note the mourning which David and his men expressed as they heard the news of the defeat. While it did mean good news for David’s promotion prospects, it was at the expense of God’s name and God’s People.

Do we show the same sadness when parts of the visible church do things which slander Christ’s good name, or think ourselves better? Do we show sadness when God’s People suffer setback and harm by the unbelieving world, or just focus on our own little holy huddle? This passage encourages us to mourn such things.

Finally, this passage reminds us to treat our God and King, Jesus, with reverent fear. Christ is Lord of our lives, and King of the Church. We should not approve of anything which treats Christ as anything less than that.


Matthew 20:1-16: the ‘eccentric’ vineyard owner

Life can seem unfair when working hard and missing out on a deserved reward. In this passage Jesus shows God (as a vineyard owner) giving the same reward to each person regardless of how much they work. How is this fair? Ash Clarkson explores this seeming biblical injustice to reveal a God who knows far more about our nature than we do!

Our passages today: Psalm 80:8-19 and Matthew 20:1-16, Preacher Ash Clarkson, Sunday 24th December.


This seems a strange passage for Christmas Eve. What does an eccentric businessman have to do with Christmas?

Christmas is a time of gift giving and the birth of our saviour. It’s not based on our own labour or our possessions; none of which translate to our heavenly reward. We’re receive eternal life regardless of whether we come to Christ early or in the last hour of our life.

The workers in the vineyard receive the same reward and grumble. Everyone receives at minimum what they deserve and some got more. There is no place for jealousy in God’s kingdom. Everything he gives us is out of his generosity and we deserve nothing.

Context of our passage

We come to the parable after the story of the rich young ruler who was told to sell all he had.

When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished, saying, “Who then can be saved?” [26] But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” [27] Then Peter said in reply, “See, we have left everything and followed you. What then will we have?”

Matthew 19:25-27 ESV

Some of the disciples were businessmen who had family businesses. Levi was a tax collector who had been taking some on the side before he came to Jesus.

Jesus said to them, “Truly, I say to you, in the new world, when the Son of Man will sit on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. [29] And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life. [30] But many who are first will be last, and the last first.

Matthew 19:28-30 ESV

Our passage explained

Labourers for the vineyard

Our passage of the vineyard then takes place. The hours were 6am to 6pm and labourers would be in the square at 6am. A denarius was a fair days wage and enough to feed a family.

The day progresses and the labourers who haven’t found work get picked up by the vineyard owner.

From an early perspective what could they achieve in an hour? Very little pay and very little value add; it’s a slightly odd hiring practice.

An odd arrangement?

There’s also slightly odd payment practice:

“You shall not oppress your neighbor or rob him. The wages of a hired worker shall not remain with you all night until the morning.

Leviticus 19:13 ESV

What he does is in accordance with the law, but the amount is surprising:

And when evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, ‘Call the laborers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last, up to the first.’ [9] And when those hired about the eleventh hour came, each of them received a denarius.

Matthew 20:8-9 ESV

“It’s not fair!”

Think about how you would feel in each group. The last group would get the equivalent of a denarius per hour, whereas the last group would get a denarius per day.

The workers grumble, setting out through their eyes: it’s not fair.

saying, ‘These last worked only one hour, and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the day and the scorching heat.’ [13] But he replied to one of them, ‘Friend, I am doing you no wrong. Did you not agree with me for a denarius? [14] Take what belongs to you and go. I choose to give to this last worker as I give to you. [15] Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or do you begrudge my generosity?’

Matthew 20:12-15 ESV

The Lord’s response

The grumbles are described as friends. This is an address as someone near and dear to him that he cares about.

The disciples are the first hearers of this parable are the disciples. A vineyard is an image of God’s kingdom (e.g. Psalm 80 and Isaiah 5).

The first to follow Jesus gets eternal life and the ones that come after also get eternal life.

We have all gone astray. We’re labourers who sleep on the job and yet he still gives us what we need.

For he says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.” [16] So then it depends not on human will or exertion, but on God, who has mercy.

Romans 9:15-16 ESV


The disciples were starting to think that God owed them something. When Jesus was dying there were two men with him. The thief on the cross got his denarius at the 11th hour.

The disciples were not to judge based on their achievements.

Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. [5] Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, [6] who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, [7] but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. [8] And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

Philippians 2:4-8 ESV

The king of all creation was born in a stable, not a palace. His humble birth made the first of all creation last.

Because of the death on the cross we get mercy. When we work hard and we don’t get the gains we say it’s not fair and assume it’s because of sin and that we’ll get what we deserve in God’s kingdom, but the world is turned upside down.

Position and prestige don’t matter, only grace matters. We might think that our lifetime of service might entitle us to something. This is not to deny that there may be different rewards, but it’s all because of God’s grace.

This is liberating: the world is all about being someone, but the kingdom of God it’s not like this. In God’s kingdom, the currency is mercy and grace.

How do we receive God’s mercy? By receiving the call of the landowner to work in his vineyard. Turn to Jesus and follow Him!

God’s goodness and grace is dying on a cross for us.


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Genesis 21:1-7: The Promise Fulfilled

Read Genesis 21:1-7

The presents start to appear under the tree. The advent calendars have fewer and fewer days yet unopened to reveal their treats. The countdown clock shows fewer and fewer sleeps until the big day. The time is drawing near for Christmas Day. The time when the signs that point forward to the big day are fulfilled.

When God promises, God acts. The deed follows the word which announces it. As Christmas quickly approaches, we remember again God’s fulfilment of the many promises he made about the coming of Jesus, the promised son. Just as Isaac’s birth fulfilled the promise made to Abraham and Sarah, so too the birth of Jesus is God’s fulfilment of his words of promise. The same words of announcement that promise salvation from our sins for all who believe.

Abraham and Sarah were as old as the hills, and God’s announcement of a son born to them both brought laughter on two separate occasions to each of them in turn. Neither could believe their ears. But God would act on his own initiative, not in response to theirs.

After the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah for their sin, and another episode of weakness and doubt on Abraham’s part (yet both involving God protecting his people), the time for fulfilment finally arrived.

“The LORD visited Sarah as he had said, and the LORD did to Sarah as he had promised” (v.1). Where before Sarah had only known and come to expect the sadness of childlessness, God visited Sarah long after the usual years for giving birth to change the tune.

Following this miraculous event, Sarah conceived and bore a son to Abraham (v.2). Just as God had promised, a year later he returned and gave Abraham and Sarah the promised son who would inherit the promises made to and received by Abraham, so many years before.

Abraham, who was faithful to the covenant God made with him, responded with faith and obedience. He named his son Isaac, fulfilling God’s command (v.3, cf. 17:19). He circumcised Isaac, giving him the covenant sign and seal, fulfilling God’s command (v.4, cf. 17:9-12).

Isaac means “he laughs”. Isaac’s name was a forever memory of the disbelief both showed when God announced his plans, but also the joy they felt at the birth of the baby boy who fulfilled the promise.

After all, it truly was a miracle. Abraham was 100 years old (v.5), and Sarah herself was ninety. Moreover, Sarah had borne the pain of being unable to bear children until now, yet she had borne Abraham a son in old age (v.7). 

Sarah herself recognised that the joy was not just for her and Abraham, but for others who would one day benefit from God’s acts. “God has made laughter for me; everyone who hears will laugh over me” (v.6). This was not the laughter of mockery, “of course God would fulfil his promises!” but of shared joy. The child was the fulfilment of a promise, a promised son, but also the inheritor of the promise to Abraham that “in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Gen 12:3).

However, this was not the climax of the story for Abraham and Sarah. Genesis does not immediately jump forward to Isaac’s adult life and marriage. Isaac had to grow through adversity (Gen 21:8-21). 

But more than the mocking laughter of an older half-brother (and probably the rest), Isaac was the “object” of a test of Abraham’s faith. Isaac was the promised son, but he was not the sacrifice for sin. A ram had to be provided as a substitute (Gen. 22:13). God would provide that substitute, just as he provided a substitute animal instead of Isaac, Abraham’s only son of the promise (Gen. 22:14).

Which brings us to Jesus. The far-off promised son, born as promised (Isaiah 7:14) of a virgin (Matt. 1:22-25). The promised son who would fulfil the promise to bless all the nations, “for he will save his people from their sins” (Matt. 1:21). A son who also grew up facing adversity. Yet who did so without sin.

Unlike Isaac, Jesus’ life was not spared on the day of sacrifice. God did indeed provide a substitute, but not for Jesus. Jesus was the substitute sacrifice for us. Born to die. Born to bear the penalty for our sins, on our behalf, so we can live in renewed and restored fellowship with God. Not just now, but for all time.

The promise God made in the Garden of Eden, and again and again throughout history, of the snake crusher who would deal to the problem of sin. Who would fulfil the Covenant of Grace, proclaimed in the Garden, to Abraham, and to others throughout history.

Christmas is a reminder that God fulfils his promises. God’s words announced. God acted. He sent his son to take on true human flesh, exactly like us. But unlike us, to live perfectly and die for us. And be the eternal reigning king.

Merry Christmas.

Genesis 17:15-18:15: The Promised Offspring

Read Genesis 17:15-18:15

We are quickly approaching Christmas, and for us here in New Zealand the big heaving sigh of relief as many of us arrive at a (long overdue) break. In the middle of the festivities and the last stumbling steps towards the yearly finish line, we can let our eyes slip from the reason behind Christmas. It is not candy canes and scorched almonds (my kryptonite), presents, and barbecues, but Christ who is the focus of the season.

Just as we can struggle and stumble as we look forward to the Christmas holiday and forget to look back at God’s promises fulfilled, so too God’s People have struggled with the promise of a coming son of Abraham. God’s promise of redemption worked through Abraham, who with Sarah was to give birth to a surprise son. That surprise son, the offspring of promise, looked forward to another promised surprise son, one born of a virgin.

After God instituted the covenant sign and seal of circumcision, He promised that Abraham and Sarah would have a child of their own (vv.15-16). While Abraham and Sarah had previously tried their own human schemes to ensure a son for Abraham, resulting in Ishmael, God had his own plan in mind.

Abraham’s initial response to this announcement by God was the laughter of unbelief (v.17). After all, Abraham was 100 and Sarah was 90. Why would not Ishmael fit God’s bill? (v.18)

God had his own plans and wisdom that were greater than Abraham’s. The inheritor of God’s covenant promises to Abraham would come through Abraham and Sarah, not Ishmael or another (v.19). Ishmael would receive his own blessing (v.20), but Isaac would inherit the promises (v.21). In a year, they would see.

After this, Abraham, Ishmael, and all the men (eg, servants) of his household were circumcised (vv.22-27). They bore on their bodies the sign of the promised descendant who would be cut off and have his blood shed for the sins of all Abraham’s believing children.

Following this, God appeared to Abraham once again at the oaks of Mamre, together with two angelic companions (18:1). Abraham was quick to offer these men hospitality (vv.2-5). Abraham and Sarah raced to throw together a meal, as Sarah prepared bread and Abraham slaughtered an animal to prepare meat (vv.6-8).

After accepting their throw together meal, God asked Abraham where his wife Sarah was (v.9), not because God did not know but to direct Abraham’s attention to the direction of their discussion, and to draw Sarah’s attention from inside the tent.

With both giving their attention, God announced that he would return in a year, and Sarah would have a son (v.10). The promise now had a firm date attached to it.

Sarah at 90 was past the age of childbearing, and so this announcement from a human perspective is fantastic and surprising, to say the least! (v.11) Not surprisingly, Sarah laughed at hearing the seemingly impossible (v.12), just as her husband previously had (17:17). As with Abraham, the laughter carried unbelief from her heart, out through her lips.

So God rhetorically asked Abraham why his wife laughed and doubted his words (v.13). “Is anything too hard for the LORD? At the appointed time I will return to you, about this time next year, and Sarah shall have a son” (v.14). 

Sarah lied, denying she had laughed. But God rebuked her, stating that she had laughed (v.15). Yet this was not a rebuke that led to judgement, but one that cleared the air. A promise had been made, and God would fulfil it. A surprise son, long after childlessness had become Abraham and Sarah’s norm, would come.

Many years later, Abraham’s far off descendants would receive another promise from God. That at the appointed time, another surprise son would be born. Not in old age, but “the virgin shall conceive and bear a son” whose name would not be Isaac but Immanuel (Is. 7:14).

That son, Jesus, was the true promised offspring of Abraham (Galatians 3:16). God’s promise to Abraham that he would have descendants like stars in the sky, and through him all nations would be blessed, found its ultimate fulfilment in the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Isaac was a necessary step along the road, but not the one in whom all God’s promises would ultimately be fulfilled.

This was a message which the first hearers of God’s promises struggled to believe. After all, a child in old age? A virgin conceiving? These are not the norm! But nothing is impossible for God. And God chooses to use the unusual, the surprising, and the miraculous to advance his salvation plan.

God’s promises brought laughter to Abraham and Sarah, though they ultimately believed God’s words. God’s promises through Isaiah met a similar reaction, yet some still waited on their fulfilment. As we reflect at Christmastime, our laughter is not one of unbelief but joy that we are blessed by God’s promises fulfilled in Jesus Christ.