
2 Samuel 11: Secret Deeds Seen

Read 2 Samuel 11

Have you ever heard a piano with a broken key or two played? The music twinkles off the keys, and sometimes even the emotion carries you away to another place when suddenly “clunk” and you come crashing back to earth as the piano hits a wrong note. Perhaps the key is never played again in the piece, but the dull note carries on in your head.

The story of 2 Samuel plays a little like that piano with a broken key. We have seen things largely go from strength to strength, and God working through David to secure the place of his people, until suddenly it goes terribly wrong.

Because David is a sinner, just like you and me. And in 2 Samuel 11, David directly breaks four of the Ten Commandments because of his lust. An innocent man murdered, adultery, lying, and coveting in 27 verses. What a “clunk.” What a reminder of how easy it is for even the greatest of us to fall into sin, even unseen ones. A warning to take heed, because God sees. A reminder to look to Christ.

In 2 Samuel 10 we saw that Israel and Ammon were at war. In chapter 11, the war continues, but David is not at war but at home, unlike the other kings who go out to battle (v.1).

One afternoon David was idly walking on the rooftop of his palace when he saw a good looking woman bathing (v.2). What followed was not covenant love, but sinful lust. There is no conversation, no affection, no care for the marriage of Bathsheba to Uriah (v.3). David saw, David liked, David “took her and she came to him, and he lay with her” (v.4).

Covenant obedience through ritual cleansing (Lev. 15:19-30) leads to covenant disobedience through breaching the Moral Law. The woman went home, but she had conceived; now David has a problem (v.5). What will he do about it?

Confession is an option, but not what David pursued. Instead, Uriah is brought back from the front, wined and dined, and dispatched home to enjoy its comforts (vv.6-8). Unfortunately for David’s scheme, Uriah slept with the servants not his wife (v.9).

When asked by David why, Uriah replied that “the ark and Israel and Judah dwell in booths, and my lord Joab and the servants of my lord are camping in the open field. Shall I then go to my house, to eat and to drink and to lie with my wife? As you live, and as your soul lives, I will not do this thing” (v.11).

David’s heart should have sunk in repentance. Instead, it switched to Plan B. Uriah was to wait at the palace, where David tried to get him drunk enough that he stumbled home (vv.12-13). Failure.

Plan C. Back to the Front Lines with orders for General Joab (v.14). Uriah carried back his own death warrant; Joab was to ensure that Uriah did not survive contact with the enemy (v.15). And it was so (vv.16-17). Uriah was murdered to cover up David’s sin.

Then it came time to report Uriah’s death to David. Joab primed the unlucky reporter on what to say (vv.18-24). David took it surprisingly well, sending a message back to Joab that “war happens” (v.25). Wink wink.

Then a funeral for one of David’s “Thirty” (2 Sam. 23:39). Bathsheba mourned her husband’s death (v.26), whether heartfelt or obligated. Then she moved in with David as his latest spousal addition (v.27). A son is born. The whole mess tidied up; outward appearances kept.

“But the thing that David had done displeased the LORD” (v.27). Secret deeds were seen.

The focus here is David, and David’s sinful acts. Compare and contrast to Uriah, who shows more covenant faithfulness than David in this sorry chapter. Compare it to the kindness and goodness of David to Mephibosheth and even Hanun, and it is a “clunk.”

David thought the thing was sorted. Practical acts, not faith, rule David’s heart in this episode. But God still saw; it was evil in God’s eyes.

Here is a warning to us all. No matter how good we might seem, we must take heed lest we too fall (1 Cor. 10:12). It could happen to “the best of us.” It happened to David (or rather, David happened to it). We might keep it a secret. We might tidy it away quietly, unseen. But God sees.

Since God sees, we all will have to face God and account for what he has seen. And since we all sin (whether for lust or something else), we all fall short of God’s glory.

So this passage also reminds us of Christ, the true man after God’s own heart. David was a sinner. Jesus was not. David embraced the temptation of his desire, Jesus was tempted but resisted. Jesus offered himself up as the perfect sacrifice for our sins. God saw. God was pleased with Jesus.

So flee temptation. Flee to Christ.

2 Samuel 10: Unwise Unbelievers

Read 2 Samuel 10

There are lots of sayings and idioms which are wise to live by. Do to others as you wish done to you. Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. A stitch in time saves nine. Penny wise, pound foolish. Here is another one – “Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish in the way”. What does that have to do with 2 Samuel 10?

The reason it is wise advice to follow, is that unwise unbelievers fail to follow it in 2 Samuel 10. King David’s show of kindness to a foreign nation was met with an unwise and outrageous insult. Conflict resulted. Unwise unbelievers met their match, and another lot learned the lesson just in time. These examples serve as reminders of how unwise unbelievers will sometimes respond to Christian kindness today, and their fate at Christ’s hand – unless they repent before it is too late.

In chapter 9 of 2 Samuel, King David’s kindness and his covenant loyalty was shown in the way he treated Jonathan’s son. Other rulers might have dispatched the potential rival. David embraced him. King David was no worldly king, driven by worldly ideas.

David’s kindness and loyalty extended outside Israel’s bounds too. He understood that good relations were necessary, and that through God’s People all of the earth would be blessed. So when the King of Ammon died, David sent an official delegation to pay respects, as David and the King of Ammon had been on good terms (vv.1-2).

Unfortunately, the new King of Ammon lacked his father’s good senses, and followed the unwise advice of the Ammonite leadership who thought the delegates were spies (v.3). The new king had their beards shaved and their clothes cut to bare their buttocks – an insult against their manliness and their propriety – and then ran them out of town (v.4). 

This was a diplomatic outrage, one which David noted as he ensured the disgraced delegates’ integrity in Israel was kept (v.5).

Eventually it dawned on the Ammonites that they had “become a stench to David” so they hired Syrian mercenaries to support their own army in the battle sure to come (v.6). Sure enough, David sent out his army under General Joab to deal with the combined Ammonite-Syrian threat (v.7), and the two sides met for battle (v.8).

When Joab realised that the Ammonites and Syrians had formed two separate columns to attack Israel, he put his best troops under his brother Abishai to face the Ammonites, and the rest of the men he placed under himself to face the Syrians (vv.9-10). 

Joab then issued the battle instructions. Each group was to support the other depending on who had the worst time of it (v.11). Importantly, “Be of good courage, and let us be courageous for our people, and for the cities of our God, and may the LORD do what seems good to him” (v.12).

Whatever we think of Joab’s morals and character, even a stopped clock is right twice a day. And Joab was certainly right to direct the army’s trust into God’s hands, and that whatever God intended would play out.

Inevitably, God’s People won the day. The Syrians fled the field, and the Ammonites in turn fled into their cities (vv.13-14).

When the Syrians realised they had been defeated and had sided with the losers (Ammon) for cash, they gathered a larger army to menace David (vv.15-16). As with Ammon, King David gathered together the army and went out against the Syrians, leading Israel to a great victory over Syria which decimated their military strength (vv.17-18).

When the servant kings of Syria saw Syria’s defeat, they chose discretion and made peace with Israel and became its subjects (v.19). Better that than further destruction. No more unwise foreign adventures with the Ammonites for them (v.19). They learned just in time.

Thus the unwise unbelievers stubbed their toe on God’s anointed king. It led to their defeat and subjugation. David did not start the fight. God certainly finished it.

The kindness of King David is the kindness we should show unbelievers around us too. The same kindness we received from God when we were dead in our sins and trespasses. We should do good to all (1 Thess. 5:15), we should show goodness and kindness even to those who claim to hate us (Matt. 5:43-47).

In doing so, we have to recognise that sometimes no good deed goes unpunished. As delegates of the Son (Ps. 2) we will cop flak on behalf of King Jesus. Perhaps not with shaved beards and cut clothes, but certainly with acts intended to disgrace and humiliate us.

Yet the fight is not ours. Jesus is the true target. Jesus clothes us with robes of his righteousness, restoring our dignity. Jesus will one day punish the nations for their rebellion against him and their treatment of us.

All the more reason to preach the Gospel and call the nations to repentance. Time’s running out.

2 Samuel 9: The Depths of Covenant Loyalty

Read 2 Samuel 9

Very little is sacred in our modern day, and anything that resembles a covenant certainly shares that same fate. Treaties between nations are bent and broken if it is convenient for one party or another. Some view marriages as contracts of convenience, not solemn vows before God not quickly and easily broken. It is a shame, because it makes 2 Samuel 9 harder to understand for the modern reader.

David’s house may have triumphed over Saul’s, but that didn’t mean that every descendant of Saul had to be erased from history. David also made a covenant with Jonathan, and he intended to keep it. In this passage, David shows the depths of covenant loyalty, that looks past dynastic conflict and the physical frailty of the recipient, to show David’s covenant love for Jonathan. And in this event, we see the covenant love of God for us.

King David had firmly established his rule over Israel. God had given him victory over the enemy nations which surrounded Israel, and riches and tribute had flooded into Israel. God’s People were also well organised and ruled, and not left alone while David ran around the Middle East engaging in armed conflict.

With the situation at home and abroad settled, King David turned to more personal matters. He asked his advisors “Is there still anyone left of the house of Saul, that I may show him kindness for Jonathan’s sake?” (v.1). 

Many years may have passed (perhaps almost as many as twenty years), but David had not forgotten Jonathan and the covenant they had made together. David had made promises (1 Samuel 20:15) and he intended to keep them.

The advisors found one of Saul’s household staffers, Ziba, who revealed that a son of Jonathan remained alive, with crippled feet even (vv.2-3). Ziba gave up the location of Jonathan’s son (v.4).

Perhaps Ziba expected an execution squad to be quickly dispatched. We do not know. However, David was not thinking of knocking off a rival (even if a cripple), but fulfilling his covenant promises.

David had Jonathan’s son brought before him, from the location he had been hiding for many years (v.5, cf. 2 Samuel 4:4).

Mephibosheth, Jonathan’s son, came before David (v.6). No doubt fearful for his own safety and that of his family, “Mephibosheth the son of Jonathan, son of Saul, came to David and fell on his face and paid homage” and professed his servant status (v.6). Perhaps if he grovelled enough, he might keep his head.

To this fear, David offered love far beyond anything Mephibosheth could have expected. Not because David had a soft spot for cripples, but because of his loyalty to a covenant made decades before.

He offered Mephibosheth protection, saying “I will show you kindness for the sake of your father Jonathan” (v.7). He offered him provision, by “restor[ing] to you all the land of Saul your father” so Mephibosheth had an income stream to rely on. And he offered him a position “at my table always” (v.7), just like one of David’s sons.

Mephibosheth was astounded! (v.8) But David was serious. Ziba and his fifteen sons and twenty servants were tasked with working Mephibosheth’s lands (vv.9-11). Mephibosheth ate at David’s table (v.12), enjoying David’s company and concern. His son, Mica, enjoyed the benefits of David’s grace to Mephibosheth too (v.13). 

And Ziba and his servants toiled away, while Mephibosheth enjoyed the position of a favoured son, not a servant (v.13).

David went far beyond what even the most generous of his fellow kings might have done. Regime change usually meant the end of the previous rulers’ family. No challengers, no challenge. Even a merciful ruler, recognising a lame-footed potential rival was hardly a rallying point for a revolution, would not have been so generous.

Yet David was generous. He gave protection, provision, and position to one that on its face was his enemy. One who was expecting an execution for his grandfather’s sins.

If this sounds slightly familiar, it should. It is how God treats us. We are by nature God’s enemies, because our far-off grandfather Adam rebelled against God. He made us enemies with God by his actions. He made us helpless to save ourselves.

And yet. “While we were still weak [helpless], at the right time Christ died for the ungodly” (Romans 5:6). God showed “his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Ro 5:8). Through Christ’s death we have been “saved by him from the wrath of God” (Ro 5:9). And “while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, now that we are reconciled, shall we be saved by his life” (Ro 5:10).

Weak and enemies, we deserve death. We receive salvation (protection), provision in Christ’s sacrifice and the inheritance of all things, and position as God’s adopted sons. Because God takes his promises, his covenants, seriously.

All because of the depths of God’s covenant loyalty.

2 Samuel 8: Judgement, Justice, and Equity

Read 2 Samuel 8

Whether or not you think New Zealand needs to get back, or is being led back, on track, I think most of us agree that New Zealand is stuck in a bit of a rut right now. The economy is not great, cost of living high, nothing can get built or maintained and so starts erupting like a geyser, crime seems to be on a spike, and the culture is in decline. It makes you yearn for something better.

Something like God’s Kingdom. Where Christ rules with justice and equity. Maybe even a little slice of it in the here and now. I do not know if that is ever really possible on this side of Christ’s return (people disagree on that one), but we do see a taste of it in David’s reign over Israel. 2 Samuel 8 describes David’s reign over Israel, judging and subduing its enemies, and establishing a reign of justice and equity over the land. Enough to read it, and make you yearn for something better.

After God’s promises to David described in chapter 7, Second Samuel describes the advance of David’s kingdom as God started to fulfil, in a preliminary way, the promises that God would ultimately fulfil in Christ’s Kingdom.

The first is the judgement of those who opposed David and his kingdom. The Philistines had been a thorn in the side of Israel since the days of the Judges, but “David defeated the Philistines and subdued them” (v.1).

After this in quick succession flowed Moab, whom he defeated, slaughtered, and subdued into servanthood (v.2). Then Hadadezer of Zorab to Israel’s north (v.3). 

With Hadadezer, David hamstrung 1,700 horses rendering the chariots useless (like spiking artillery guns) and captured 20,000 troops (v.4). When the Syrians of Damascus came out to help Hadadezer, they were struck down too and became servants and clients of Israel (vv.5-6).

Importantly, this was not due to David’s superior military intellect like he was some 1000 BC Alexander the Great, but rather that “the LORD gave victory to David wherever he went” (v.6). David and his offspring, and God’s People who they ruled, were promised rest from their enemies. God was busy fulfilling his promises.

With all the tribute and subjugation, Israel became wealthy. Shields of gold, and large quantities of bronze, flooded into Jerusalem from the conquered territories (vv.7-8). Toi, king of Hamath, sent his son Joram with gold, silver, and bronze to King David to submit to David’s imperial rule (vv.9-10). 

Others needed to be subjected, Toi submitted. He recognised David’s reign, and was thankful for the positive effect it had on his own kingdom (removing Hadadezer, who was a right royal pain, v.10).

With all the riches pouring into Jerusalem, you might think that the people were eating on golden plates fashioned from Syrian shields. But instead David dedicated all of this, along with Toi of Hamath’s gifts, to God (vv.11-12). After all, it was God giving the victory to David and his people. God deserved the spoils.

Finally, to add to the tally, chapter 8 notes that David struck down the Edomites and garrisoned their lands (vv.13-14). Thus the descendants of Esau served the descendants of Jacob – the older serving the younger (cf. Gen 25:23).

So plenty of judgement going around for the enemies of God’s People. Yet what of Israel? We have already heard that tribute flooded in, dedicated to God. But David’s attention on the borders did not lead to trouble at home.

“David reigned over all Israel. And David administered justice and equity to all his people” (v.15). The kingdom ideals of a reign of justice and equity were fulfilled, however imperfectly and in part, by David’s reign over Israel.

David appointed officials over the army, over his public servants, and ensured that the rightful occupants were high priests over God’s tabernacle and surroundings (vv.16-18). There was no chaos and disorder in Israel.

Justice and equity! How great that sounds. How imperfect are both in the rule of even the best-intended rulers today. Thankfully, the reign of Christ will be one which shows true justice and equity to all God’s forgiven people.

It will also be a kingdom secure from its enemies. While in a physical sense the Church might be attacked today and suffer setbacks, from a spiritual sense we are already safe and secure in God’s Kingdom. One day, the physical will catch up to the spiritual when Christ returns and subdues all our enemies, including those who attack the Church and refuse to submit, but especially sin and death.

Yet our enjoyment of justice and equity is only because Christ took the judgement that was due to fall on us. We are unworthy recipients of God’s grace. Yet he chose us in his great covenant love to be his servants. God fulfilled his righteous justice and equity by judging Christ for our sins on the Cross. 

And so because of that, we get to enjoy the justice and equity of God’s eternal kingdom.

2 Samuel 7:17-29: Overcome by Generosity

Read 2 Samuel 7:17-29

There is a place in many viewers’ hearts for footage or videos where someone is overcome by the generosity of a stranger. Back in the days when we watched television, shows like Undercover Boss would show hard-working humble folks overcome when the CEO generously rewards them for their service. Reaction videos of everyday people abound on the internet. It warms the heart.

If that is momentary physical things, then how much more are we not overcome by God’s great generosity in spiritual things? David certainly was. After the bad news that he would not be building God a temple anymore, David was overcome by God’s generosity in building his house, and the effect this would have on all of mankind. David’s prayer before God demonstrates thanks and prays that God’s promises would come to fulfilment. As we enjoy the benefits of God’s goodness ourselves, David’s model of prayer is a good place to start for us.

After Nathan the prophet received the message from God of his great goodness towards David, Nathan went and spoke with David (v.17).

David’s response was to immediately seek the fellowship of the God who had proclaimed his generous promises to him. He went to God’s tabernacle and sat to pray (as was then a custom) and humbly expressed his thanks for God’s graciousness (v.18).

He started by praising God for his past deeds. “Who am I … that you have brought me thus far?” (v.18) David understood that God had raised him from humble shepherd of his father’s flocks to king over all Israel, through many years of trial and tribulation.

Yet despite all the good God had done, he was not done yet. All of God’s goodness to date was a “small thing” and God had plans for his “servant’s house for a great while to come” (v.19). He also described this as “instruction for mankind” recognising that the implications went far beyond himself and his offspring.

Finally, David praised God for his sovereign choice. He had “known” David (likely meant in a covenantal sense rather than information) and because of God’s greatness and his heart (or will) he was bringing all this to pass (vv.20-21). What else could he do but praise? “For there is none like you, and there is no God besides you” (v.22).

Next David extended this praise because of God’s saving his people. David recognised that the people he ruled were special because God redeemed them from slavery by great and powerful deeds, and established them as the basis for his covenant people, privileged above all others (vv.23-4).

After praising God for his great generosity, to himself, his offspring, and his people, David turned to praying that all God’s promises would come to pass. This was not an act of doubt, but instead praying for its fulfilment like we pray for God’s Kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven.

David prays that God would “confirm forever the word that you have spoken … and do as you have spoken” (v.25), taking God’s promises and praying they would happen. Why? So that God’s name would be glorified (v.26).

He prayed this prayer because God had revealed it to him, and therefore he wasn’t praying his own mere hopes and dreams but confidently seeking God’s revealed will (v.27).

Finally, David recognised that God had promised him these amazing promises in God’s goodness, and so he desired that God’s will would be done in fulfilling those promises to him and to his offspring after him (vv.28-9).

In these three pieces of the second part of David’s prayer, David was seeking that God would fulfil his promises.

There is much here for us as an example and an encouragement. God has been so good to us! Far more than we could ever deserve! Like David, as we dwell on God’s goodness to us it is entirely normal to be overcome by God’s generosity. It is entirely good.

For like David, like God’s People of David’s day, we too have been redeemed from slavery (to sin), set apart, and privileged above all others. We have received the benefits of the promises God made in years past to Abraham, to Moses, to David, to redeem us from our sins through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We have been transferred from the domain of darkness to the kingdom of light.

All that remains, as such, is the completion of the work begun in us. The completion of the salvation plan that was set in place before there was time.

And so we can praise God for his goodness to us. His goodness in the past, his goodness sure to come, his goodness in sovereign choice to not just us but countless others too.

And we can pray that God will fulfil his promises. Fulfil them for God’s glory. Pray with confidence, because God has announced his promises to us through his word, and through The Word (Jesus). 

Not sure what to pray for? David has a few ideas!

2 Samuel 7:12-16: Everlasting Kingdom

Read 2 Samuel 7:12-16

The problem with promises is they depend on the promise maker to keep them. In our world, that’s no certain thing. People make promises and vows, but they break them. Countries make promises, but a new year and a new ruler bends or breaks the promise. The best of intentions run into the reality of sin and the ravages of time.

But not all promises. God keeps his promises. God made promises in the Garden. God made promises after The Flood. God made promises to an old man on a starry night. God made promises at Mount Sinai. And God made promises in Jerusalem. All of those promises are called “covenants” and they are God’s promises to his people. Not just the individual who received the promise, but for all who believe (and in the case of Noah, all who don’t as well!)

Our passage this week brings us to the Davidic Covenant. This covenant proclaims God’s goodness and mercy to David and his House. To David and His People. It helps fill in the Old Testament dots to the New Testament reality of the Messiah, Jesus. The Saviour and Everlasting King, the true Son of God, whose body is the Temple of God.

David wanted to build a house for God to live in. He thought it odd that he had a nice palace, and yet the King of All Creation lived in a tent. While Nathan’s initial words to David were to encourage him, God had other ideas. God wanted to establish David’s House before he received his own house (vv.1-11).

So if David was not to build a house for God, who would? God answered that with a promise. “When your days are fulfilled and you lie down with your fathers, I will raise up your offspring after you, who shall come from your body, and I will establish his kingdom. He shall build a house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever” (vv.12-13).

What a promise. Death cannot destroy this promise. An offspring of David would inherit the kingdom, and he would build a temple. His throne would be established forever. Abraham’s child inherited the land, David’s child inherited the kingdom. Thus the “offspring” refers not just to his son, but his son’s sons after him.

Secondly, sin will not affect this promise. “I will be to him a father, and he shall be to me a son. When he commits iniquity, I will discipline him with the rod of men, with the stripes of the sons of men, but my steadfast love will not depart from him, as I took it from Saul, whom I put away from before you” (vv.14-15).

Looking down the mists of time and of God’s providential hand, David’s descendants would not keep to the straight and narrow. They would sin against God, and God would bring punishment on them. But God’s covenant love would not end like it did with Saul and his house.

Thirdly, not even time could end the promise. “And your house and your kingdom shall be made sure forever before me. Your throne shall be established forever” (v.16). The forever promise of verse thirteen is repeated twice here. Forever means forever.

As long as God has a People, David’s line will rule over it. Forever and ever.

Death will knock on the door. Sin will rear its ugly head. The sands of time will continue sinking. But God’s promise to David will not end. There will always be a king descended from David to rule over God’s People.

But who is that king? As we read further into God’s Word, we read of Solomon building a Temple. So there is an immediate fulfilment there. And God did indeed keep his promise to uphold David’s line; while the northern tribes later split off and did their own thing (and suffered several “regime changes”), the line of David always ruled over the Kingdom of Judah. And after the exile, David’s descendants had prominent places in leadership over God’s People resettled in the Land.

But the Old Testament ends on a bit of a hanging note. The story has not ended. And indeed, it hadn’t. At the right time, Jesus came. Son of David (v.12; Matt. 1:1). The true Temple of God (v.13; John 2:21). Son of God (v.14; Luke 3:38, etc). Sinless and not needing correction (v.14; Mark 1:11, Hebrews 9:14). The eternal recipient and source of God’s covenant love (v.15; Hebrews 10:12-18). The Eternal King (v.16; Luke 1:33, Revelation 11:15).

Jesus is the ultimate fulfilment of God’s covenant promise to David. Just as Jesus fulfils God’s promises to Adam and Eve, to Abraham, to Moses. And to us.

What did David do to deserve this great promise? Nothing. What have we done to deserve God’s great promises fulfilled to us in Jesus? Nothing! This promise is all about God. God promising. God delivering. 

Praise Jesus, the Everlasting King who fulfils God’s Davidic Covenant.

2 Samuel 7:1-11: House before the House

Read 2 Samuel 7:1-11

Perhaps you have heard or used the saying that refers to putting the cart before the horse. We use it when we refer to someone doing things out of the normal or accepted order of events.

2 Samuel 7 presents God’s great promise to David concerning his offspring (Jesus!) and God’s presence with his people. We refer to it sometimes as the Davidic Covenant. Yet the covenant demonstrates how God seems to put the cart before the horse, or better said puts a House (David’s) before the House (his). This act shows that sometimes, our own normal or accepted order of things is wrong. God knows better than us, and knows which way the cart and the horse should go, to bring glory to himself.

After the events of Chapter 6, the Ark of the Covenant rested in Jerusalem. Also, “the king lived in his house and the LORD had given him rest from all his surrounding enemies” (v.1).

This troubled David. He lived “in a house of cedar” but “the ark of God dwells in a tent” (v.2). David wanted to fix that oversight. After all, if the earthly king gets a nice house, shouldn’t the Great King have a better one? 

Nathan the prophet, who heard David’s intentions, told him “Go, do all that is in your heart, for the LORD is with you” (v.3). After all, this positive intention toward God seemed reasonable and right.

Yet in God’s eyes, David was putting the cart before the horse. That night the word of God came to Nathan, to tell him to speak to David: “Would you build me a house to dwell in?” (v.5). In other words, roll up the blueprints buddy, it’s not time to break ground yet!

But it wasn’t building consents holding up construction. Rather, it was God’s humility. “I have not lived in a house since the day I brought up the people of Israel from Egypt to this day, but I have been moving about in a tent for my dwelling. In all places where I have moved with all the people of Israel, did I speak a word with any of the judges of Israel, whom I commanded to shepherd my people Israel, saying, “Why have you not built me a house of cedar?” (vv.6-7).

Israel had not had settled arrangements. They had wandered in the desert, then they had entered Canaan, but had endured the unsettled times of the Judges. God identified with his people by sharing their unsettledness, continuing with a tabernacle rather than demanding a house.

The main substance of the message unfolds from this point. God had dealt graciously with Davd in the past. He had chosen him from all the men of Israel to rule, even though he was not the worldly default (v.8). God had been present with David wherever he went and had “cut off all your enemies from before you” (v.9).

God had future plans too. He was going to make David’s name great (v.9). He would “appoint a place for my people Israel and will plant them, so that they may dwell in their own place and be disturbed no more” and no longer be afflicted like they were during the Judges (v.10). He would give David rest from his enemies too (v.11), because this would make Israel secure.

Finally, he would “make you a house” (v.11). Not a physical house, but a dynasty. A line of rulers to follow after David. One of them would construct the temple (more on that next time). God would build David’s house before God’s house.

The cart before the horse from a human perspective, perhaps. God has done good things for us. We should do good things back in response, to ensure his continued good favour. You scratch my back, I scratch yours. But that is not how God works.

God’s response to David’s desire may seem odd. After all, what David wanted for God seemed reasonable and right; Nathan thought so. But it was not God’s will. The two are not the same. While generally when we do things for God’s honour it is good, its success may not actually be God’s will. We must always seek to follow God’s will, not what we humanly think it might be.

Part of doing that is remembering God’s attitude towards his covenant people is humble and gracious. God does not need the corner office, he is happy in the open plan with his people. Experiencing the same difficulties as his people. Identifying with them in their troubles. Blessing them whether or not they have repaid the favour.

That same humility and graciousness led to Christ’s coming, born in humble circumstances, living a humble life, suffering a humiliating death. To satisfy God’s wrath, and show God’s love and graciousness to us. Despite what good or bad we may have done or will do. And to glorify God.

Because despite what we think is the accepted order of things, God delights to put the house before the house.

2 Samuel 6:12-23: Blessed Holiness

Read 2 Samuel 6:12-23

Like with many things in life, there are two extremes to avoid when it comes to God’s holiness. The first extreme is to treat God’s holiness flippantly, and act in ways which fail to treat God with the respect he deserves. The second extreme is to recognise God’s holiness but try to place God at a distance, to ignore the effect God’s holiness must have on our lives. If the first extreme is a plague in the Church today, we must carefully avoid reacting with the second.

While God’s holiness can be lethal, God’s holiness also brings great blessing. God’s intent is not to destroy his people, but to bless them. While Uzzah’s death came from a lack of respect for God’s holiness, the blessing on Obed-edom showed God’s desire to bless. David’s reaction to God’s blessed holiness is rejoicing, even when this is viewed as unseemly. Our own reaction to God’s holiness should be the same – respect for his lethality, rejoicing in his blessing.

After Uzzah’s death for touching the Ark of the Covenant, the Ark remained in the household of Obed-edom for three months, where God’s blessing poured out on Obed-edom and his household (v.11).

David heard that God had blessed Obed-edom and family because of the Ark’s presence, and so went down to resume the original plan of bringing it up to Jerusalem (v.12). David brought the Ark up “with rejoicing” (v.12); not a solemn affair like Queen Elizabeth’s funeral but a pageant of celebration like King Charles’ coronation.

This time, it appears that they followed the correct handling procedures (v.13), and sacrificed an animal to God.

David danced before the Ark as if his life depended on it (v.14). Wearing only a linen ephod, David led God’s People in praise and shouting to the noise of trumpets as they brought the Ark into Jerusalem (vv.14-15).

Not all looked favourably. Saul’s daughter Michal, David’s first wife, saw King David leaping and dancing before the LORD, and she despised him in her heart” (v.16). Such was not seemly, fitting, or proper in her eyes. Her father King Saul would never have stooped so low, like a commoner.

Yet even so, the Ark arrived at its new home, in a tent King David prepared for it, with burnt offerings and peace offerings to celebrate God’s special presence arriving in the new Israelite capital (v.17).

God’s blessed holiness was not just for David’s benefit, but everyone’s. So David blessed all God’s People there in God’s name, and distributed food to all great and small so they too would share in the celebration of God’s presence (vv.18-19).

King David wanted to share God’s blessings with his household too, but returned home to contempt and sarcasm from Michal. “How the king of Israel honoured himself today, uncovering himself today before the eyes of his servants’ female servants, as one of the vulgar fellows shamelessly uncovers himself!” (v.20)

Michal thought the outward appearance of King David mattered, just as her father had been very fixated on outward appearance. She thought David’s behaviour was scandalous and crass, like 2am on Courtenay Place.

But King David was not performing for the ladies, he was performing for God. “It was before the LORD, who chose me above your father and above all his house, to appoint me as prince over Israel, the people of the LORD—and I will celebrate before the LORD” (v.21). 

Better to be a fool before Michal than a fool before God. David is king, yes, but God’s servant, and showing humility as God’s servant by dancing before God is true dignity (v.22). God clearly agreed with his servant, since Michal had no children to carry on her name before she died (v.23).

There is a lesson here for us. We rightly recoil from “worship” which is nothing of the sort. Me-centric. Irreverent. Entertainment. Not the reverent worship due to a holy and lethal God.

But we should also recoil from “worship” solely based on outward forms. Propriety. The Done Thing. The external appearance.

Our worship of God must be reverent and follow the instructions God has given us. It should also not be joyless. It should not be so caught up on outward appearance, that there is no inward reality.

God desires that we worship him decently and in good order. As God has taught us to worship him. He also desires that we worship joyfully, and not coldly. God’s presence should move us.

It should matter that God sent his son Jesus to die for our sins, to conquer death and all earthly powers. When we worship, we are worshipping the God who has blessed us beyond measure, not an abstract arm’s-length concept. We are worshipping the God who is present with us, by his Holy Spirit, pouring out his blessings and blessed holiness on us, who do not deserve it.

We may not dance in the pews (we might subtly sway), but we shouldn’t be still inside. Does God’s holiness move you? Does God’s blessedness move you?

2 Samuel 6:1-11: Lethal Holiness

Read 2 Samuel 6:1-11

We all know someone who is a stickler for order. You are reading something written by one right now, actually. I prefer things to be done in the way they ought to be done. It makes life easier and more predictable to handle. Others prefer to go with the flow. Like dumping their bikes on the floor in front of my workbench. In most things, a happy medium is a better approach. One day, perhaps, my garage/workshop might be as orderly as I’d like.

Note I said most things. Not all. One of those things where it is important to get things right is how we approach and worship God. God is holy, we are not, and he gets to decide the rules, not us. For all David’s greatness, he failed to remember that rule. Uzzah paid the price when he came into contact with God’s lethal holiness. God’s holiness is no less lethal today. We must worship God as he deserves, for God is no less holy today than in David’s day.

2 Samuel 5 showed the various ways in which God kept his promises to his people. One of God’s promises in Scripture is to be present with his people. From Moses’ time, this promise revolved around the Ark of the Covenant.

From its return from the Philistine lands (1 Samuel), the Ark had remained in Kiriath-jearim, also known as Baale-judah (v.1). Now that Israel had conquered Jerusalem it was time to bring the Ark up to the capital. This was not a quiet affair, but a military parade led by King David himself (v.1).

That something is about to go terribly wrong is shadowed by the text. It reminds us that the Ark “is called by the name of the LORD of hosts who sits enthroned on the cherubim” (v.2). Not a suitcase, then. Far from it. As David later called it, the Ark was “the footstool” of God (1 Chron. 28:2).

The Ark was incredibly holy. It dwelt in the Most Holy Place of the tabernacle. The High Priest cleansed it on the Day of Atonement (Lev. 16:14-15). Leviticus describes it as the “mercy seat”, where God’s mercy is given to his people. The Ark contained the copies of the Mosaic Covenant (Ex. 25:16).

There were strict rules about how to treat the Ark. When it was moved, it had to be covered, and carried on poles resting on the shoulder (in special rungs built into it) by specific Levites (Num. 4, 7:9). You could not touch it, or you would die. God’s extreme holiness made the Ark very holy. Sinners touching the Ark profaned it. That holiness was lethal.

Which makes what happens next inevitable. The Ark is put on a cart, driven by oxen with riders from the host’s house (vv.3-4). Everyone is dancing and celebrating the great occasion (v.5). The oxen are spooked or stumble in a pothole, and suddenly the Ark looks like it might leap from the cart to the ground (v.6).

Can’t have that! Thankfully Uzzah leaps to the rescue, placing a firm hand on the Ark to secure the load (v.6)…and dies. “The anger of the LORD was kindled against Uzzah, and God struck him down there because of his error, and he died there beside the ark of God” (v.7)

How should Israel have responded? With repentance and trembling. And yet? “David was angry because the LORD had broken out against Uzzah” and named the place for the event (v.8). 

Then, after the initial flash of anger, David feared the God who broke out against Uzzah (v.9), just as he broke out against the Philistines (2 Sam 5:20). So instead of bringing the Ark up to Jerusalem nice and close to himself, he redirected the parcel to Obed-edom the Gittite (v.10).

Funnily enough, David may not have wanted God close anymore after he had seen God’s lethal holiness, but Obed-edom, who received the Ark into his house, was blessed by God during its stay there (v.11).

Uzzah meant well. David certainly meant well. Yet well meaning intentions do not survive contact with God’s lethal holiness. God is not a tame house deity who only blesses and shows favour. God is righteous and holy.

We must respect God’s commands. We must act as God requires us to act, especially when it comes to serving him. Especially when God has made it clear – showing his kindness to us by making clear his requirements.

Nor is God’s lethal holiness an Old Testament thing. Ananias and Sapphira certainly met his lethal holiness (Acts 5). We eat and drink judgement to ourselves if we take communion unworthily (1 Cor. 11:29). It is a fearful thing to fall into the living God’s hands (Heb. 10:26-31).

That same lethal holiness would smite us were it not for Christ’s sacrifice to cleanse us from our sins. Let us give thanks to God for his mercy. And treat God’s lethal holiness with the respect he deserves.

2 Samuel 5: The Promises Fulfilled (Kinda)

Read 2 Samuel 5

Several years ago the war movie Dunkirk came out. It tells the story of the evacuation of British troops from France in 1940, from the land, sea, and air perspective. True to form, the director of the film plays with your perception of time, as the three stories interrelate but on different time scales. 

As much as we enjoy reading or viewing stories told in “traditional” time, sometimes a point can be made by collecting tales together out of chronological order. 2 Samuel 5 plays with time. The passage provides a series of separate events, presented out of order, demonstrating how God’s promises were being fulfilled in David. Kinda. There is enough hinted in the passage to direct us to another fulfiller of God’s promises.

After the deaths of Abner and Ish-bosheth in chapters 3 and 4 of 2 Samuel, there was a power vacuum in the northern tribes. In this vacuum, “all the tribes of Israel came to David at Hebron” to swear allegiance (v.1).

They gave three reasons for doing so. Firstly, relationship (“bone and flesh”, v.1). Secondly, past generalship under Saul (v.2). Thirdly, covenantal – God himself had said “You shall be shepherd of my people Israel, and you shall be prince over Israel” (v.2).

Therefore David covenanted with all Israel to lead them, was anointed king, and reigned forty years (vv.3-5).

This story shows that God had fulfilled his promises to David despite the opposition of Saul, of Abner (and Ish-bosheth), and others along the way. Nobody, no matter how powerful or influential, was able to stop God fulfilling his promises.

After this, the author tells the story of Jerusalem’s capture. Jerusalem was occupied by the Jebusites, despite previous attempts at driving them out (Josh. 15:63, Judges 1:8, 21). Not surprisingly, the Jebusites were cocky, thinking even their lame and blind could beat Israel (v.6). David took this trash talk and turned it into motivation for his troops, who found an accessway through Jerusalem’s secret water supply (essential for withstanding siege) and captured the city (vv.7-8). 

David turned it into Israel’s capital, and Israel’s strength grew because God was with them, fulfilling his promises (vv.9-10). This time, not even a millennia could stop God (cf. Gen. 15:18-21). Time is no valiant opponent.

David’s power became so great that later in time (towards the end of his reign), the foreign king of Tyre sent Lebanese Cedar and skilled builders to make David a fitting palace (vv.11-12). This demonstrated God fulfilling his promise to ensure the proper leadership of God’s people.

Kinda. It is not all rosy in Israel. On the plus side, David has many sons born to him (vv.14-16). Children are a blessing from the LORD (Ps. 127:4-5). Clearly God is strengthening his house.

On the downside, David added more wives and concubines in Jerusalem (v.13). He already had several. This is a problem; the covenant king must not gather wives lest they lead him away from worship of God (Deut. 17:17).

Yet despite this, God still fulfilled his promise to protect his people through David. Chronologically earlier in David’s reign, the Philistines attack again since the Israelites are a now united front (vv.17-18). David succeeded where Saul failed, inquiring of God whether to attack the Philistines and receiving encouragement to go (vv.19-20). 

David recognised that God was with them and had caused the defeat of the Philistines, and so named the place for God’s “breaking through” the enemy (v.20). The Philistines, meanwhile, left their useless house gods in place so David and his men took out the trash (v.21).

This was not a one-off. Up the Philistines came again, but David did not presume (v.22). He again inquired of God, who told him to attack from the rear (v.23). When David heard “the sound of marching in the tops of the balsam trees” he was to attack, because God was going first as Warrior to defeat the Philistines (v.24). David and Israel were the mop up crew, to strike down the remnants of God’s attack (v.25).

God fulfilled his promises for protection, as the leveller of Philistine’s might and the warrior who defeated the enemies of his people.

All of these snippets from David’s kingship showed God fulfilling his promises to his people. They remind us that the same God is the God of Promise, who fulfils his promises for us today as well.

Opposition from the great powers of this world cannot stop God. Time is no barrier to God fulfilling his promises. It may take longer than we like, but God fulfils in his good time. God protects his people. God levels our opponents and fights for us. God does so in various ways; we should always go to him in prayer.

Yet God did not complete his promise-keeping when it came to David. There was still one better to come. Only Jesus ticked all the promise-fulfilment boxes (2 Cor. 1:20). 

In Jesus, there is no “kinda” promise fulfilment.