About Grace at Wellington
When Jesus gave his disciples their Commission as Apostles, he told them to “make disciples of all the nations” (Matthew 28:19). The Apostle Paul, in his first sermon before the people of Jerusalem at Pentecost, reminded his hearers about the promise of salvation from sins by grace, through Jesus Christ which was “for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself.” (Acts 2:39)
The good news is that Jesus died for us; defeating death through His resurrection
Nearly two thousand years later, in a city, nation, and age “far off” from Jerusalem, we exist to proclaim the same Good News of salvation by God’s grace through faith, as did those first Christian believers. We gather together because God has called us to him; to join together as fellow disciples, learning from God’s word, praising God for his wonders and deeds, and to encourage one another. And just as God called the early Church to make disciples of all the nations, so too do we go out to make disciples, whether in daily life or through planting other faithful, Gospel-preaching churches.
Whether you are a fellow disciple of Jesus, or you are curious or sceptical about Christianity, we would love to see you and meet you as we gather together on a Sunday morning.
Not only does the Lord through forgiveness of sins receive and adopt us once for all into the church, but through the same means he preserves and protects us there.” – John Calvin (Institutes, IV.I.21)